Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So Little Time, So Much To Do....

One of my favourite time savers is dry shampoo. I know, I was skeptical at first, too.  But if you find the right brand, then no more ponytails for you when you forget to wash you hair! I use Batiste original, and it works like a charm! I occasionally forget to wash my hair, or am too busy to bother. With just some Batiste, I'm good to go! If you don't want to buy some dry shampoo, baby powder works just as well. You can use an old make-up brush to spread it around your roots. The powder will suck up excess oils, giving you a fresh, out of shower look and feel with half the time and effort. Make sure not to use too much, though, because then when all the oils are gone, little extra bits of powder are left over, making it appear as if you have dandruff.
I don't want to give you all my quick and easy tips all at once, so keep you eyes peeled for some more!

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