Friday, December 10, 2010

Nice Nails!

One of my personal favourite nail colours is a dark red, or sometimes a dark purple. GOSH Cosmetics has this shade of deep purple that adds dark sophistication. Nail polish colours are hard to choose from, especially when the colour drastically changes from when it's wet and when it's dry. When I go to buy some nail polish, I tend to pick out several colours, about 3 or 4, and do a little dab on my nails. I sometimes do two coats, just to get a real feel of what the colour will look like. After waving my hands around frantically for a moment or two until the polish dries, I make my choice (usually after consulting the person I am with). This shade looks very good with many colours, including black. Nail polish colours can also tell a little bit about your mood or personality. In the summer, I usually wear vibrant colours like bright turquoise, but now in the winter seasons this dark colour can be very flattering.

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