Saturday, May 28, 2011

Easy Ways To Eliminate Bikini Season Anxiety

By now, the majority of us are panicking about going to the beach in our bikinis. Fret no more! Here is a list of easy - and inexpensive - ways to achieve the body you want.

1. Exercise! I know, who has the time, right? You don't have to go to the gym for exercise, (though you should try to at least go to the gym a couple times a month) try taking the stairs at work or even at shopping malls. Try riding your bike, rollerblading or walking to school or work. Take your dog for longer walks, or if you feel up to it, runs! The possibilities are endless, just get up off your butt and do something!
2. Eat more healthful foods! If you really want to get in shape quickly, you must start eating better. Stop buying those quick and easy, fat-filled snacks and go for fruits instead. Fruits and vegetable give you much more energy, without all the artery clogging of alternatives. As well, they are easy! Just grab one, wash it, and eat it! Start buying whole grain bread instead of white bread. They taste almost exactly alike, but the latter is worse for your health. If you have some spare time, cut up a bunch of fruits and vegetables and store them in your fridge - that way, when you're hungry for a quick snack and go hunting in the fridge, you can grab a pre-made healthy snack instead of who-knows what else. And be sure not to grocery shop when you are hungry! You will end up buying more than you need, and more likely unhealthier foods.  Stay on the outside aisles of your grocery store - the further inside you get, the less healthful the foods get.
A big problem to watch out for is to only eat when you are hungry. Don't just eat when you are bored!
3.Get outdoors! Go camping, canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing...anything! While you are enjoying nature, you are burning a heck of a lot of calories and fat. Also, when you actually do get around to going to the beach, you won't be pasty white, but already a little tanned. Another bonus - you won't be just slim, but fit! Wouldn't it be nice to have non-bulky muscles to show off? And the more muscle you have, the easier it is to burn calories! It's win-win, so get going now!


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